The Most Common Causes of Blocked Drains Southend

blocked drains Southend are always a hassle to deal with, especially when they’re recurring problems. Plumbers and drainage technicians are the go-to people for this kind of job, but it helps to know what’s causing the problem in the first place. The most common causes behind blocked drains Southend can be traced back to a few sources.

blocked drains Southend

Poorly Functioning Property Fittings and Cess Pits

First, there’s a chance that the problem might be caused by something inside the property itself. If the house was built more than 10 years ago, then the fitting and fixtures such as the toilets and sinks may not function properly anymore. Broken seals inside the pipes can lead to water leakage, and over time, this causes blockages.

Outside of the property, cess pits and septic tanks are generally connected to the drains. These are designed to be emptied out periodically, and if this doesn’t happen on schedule, then chances are the blockage is originating from here.

Invasion of Root Systems

Another possible cause of blocked drains Southend is tree roots invading the pipes. Tree roots have an incredible capacity for searching out source of moisture, even deep underground. When they come across a drain line, they may start stretching further and further until they eventually reach a portion of the pipe that’s widened due to any damage.

At this point, the roots wedge themselves into the damaged area and begin to grow around the pipe. This obviously restricts the free flow of water, leading to all sorts of issues for the homeowner.

Foreign Matter Build Up

The third potential cause of blocked drains Southend is foreign matter building up inside the pipe. This usually happens when too much waste accumulates in the pipe, blocking the flow of anything else that’s trying to pass through. Grease, fat, and other materials that don’t dissolve easily can cause major blockage problems in no time.

Also, if paper towels, sanitary products, and other similar items are flushed down the toilet then the chances of this happening increase significantly.

Damage to the Pipe Work

Finally, the issue could be related to physical damage to the plumbing network. A weakened, fractured, or bent pipe line is one of the quickest ways for water to become stuck somewhere down the line. If the homeowner notices a slight rise in water levels inside their toilet bowl, then that’s an indication that a pipe has collapsed somewhere nearby.

Drain blockage is never a fun topic to talk about, but it’s important to remember the potential causes. In quite a few cases, some simple modifications and improvements to the fittings and fixtures can help to prevent these kinds of problems from happening again in the future. And if worse comes to worse, then a qualified plumber or drainage specialist will be able to get the issue fixed in no time.

Wilber Pelligra