Dealing with Blocked Drains in Kent

Blocked drains Kent can be a huge inconvenience if left unaddressed. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to quickly and effectively tackle blocked drains in this area. This guide wiblocked drain kent at causes drains to become blocked, provide solutions for quick fixes and offer much-needed advice on how to keep your drains running clear and free-flowing.

blocked drain kent

Identifying the Blockage

The first step towards dealing with blocked drains in Kent is to identify what is causing the blockage. A variety of things can cause drain blockages including leaves, hair, food debris, grease, and even toilet paper. If you’re not sure what is causing your blockage, try using an inspection camera. This service allows you to see deep into the pipes, leaving nothing to guesswork.

DIY Solutions

For minor blockages, there are several DIY solutions that you can attempt at home. The most popular remedy is to create a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, which can help break down any organic matter in the drain. You could also use a drain snake to physically remove the debris blocking the flow of water. Alternatively, there are several drain cleaners available from your local stores which are designed to dissolve persistent clogs.

Professionally Cleaning Your Drain

In some cases, it may be necessary to call a professional to unclog your blocked drains in Kent. The specialist will use various techniques to dislodge whatever is causing the blockage, such as drain clearing rods, high-pressure jetting, or electronic detection. They can then ascertain if there has been any damage to the piping and advise you on the best solutions for maintaining a clear and healthy drainage system.

Preventing Future Blockages

Once your drains are unblocked, you should take some preventative measures to ensure they remain clear in the future. One of the most effective ways to do this is by installing a mesh guard over the plugs leading into your drains. This will prevent foreign objects such as towels, rags, and sanitary items from entering the pipework and potentially becoming lodged. Furthermore, you should always be mindful of what you place down the sink, especially when it comes to fat and oils.

It is also advised to have your drains professionally cleaned every six months. Doing so can eliminate odors, ensure that all of the connected pipes are properly maintained, and save you money in costly repair bills. During the clean, further preventative steps can also be taken to reduce the risk of future blockages.


Blocked drains Kent can cause a severe inconvenience for homeowners and business owners alike. To restore them back to full working order, the source of the blockage must be identified. In some instances, you can tackle a minor issue yourself; however, more serious problems might require the expertise of a professional. Once unblocked, be sure to follow the instructions mentioned in this article in order to stop future clogs from occurring. By taking these steps, you can keep your drains flowing freely all year round.

Abdul Hepa